Page 11 - TECOFASH
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Refer to the process of either introducing entirely new products to the
market or making significant improvements and upgrades to existing
O3-A1: Intergenerational approach and collaborative training guidelines
As a first step partners will develop the methodology for an intergenerational approach as chosen to
Various practices associated with product innovation are explored,
deliver the training. The aim of this output is to create long term relationships between an
including, for example:
entrepreneur, responsible for running a retail business and a youth, who will help them introduce
Ecodesign integrates environmental considerations into product
sustainable changes to the business. In order to reach this objective, a framework for the
and process development, focusing on the entire supply chain,
collaboration will be developed. The relationship will be be voluntary and included as such in the
including recycling and design for longevity. In the fashion industry,
framework but encouraged in order to maximise participation in the training activity and further
design is a key environmental competency involving the Five Rs:
apprenticeship programmes. Partners will explore existing suitable frameworks that can be used in
reimagining, redesigning, reusing, reducing, and recycling. It
the RETAIL project. In addition, partners will seek involvement of relevant networks to increase the
enhances internal efficiency, reducing energy use and waste.
project scope. For instance, DCC is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network with EASME
actively encouraging members to collaborate and engage with all relevant EU projects. Partner will
Ecolabels serve as certification seals for environmentally friendly
also explore other relevant programmes such as mobility programmes (Erasmus+, Erasmus for
products, meeting established criteria by an awarding authority. In
young entrepreneurs), etc. From this work, a methodological report will be issued.
the textile industry, they promote eco-friendly practices, including
sustainable production and reducing harmful chemicals. Typically,
ecolabels in this sector mandate the use of environmentally friendly
materials, technologies, reduced water consumption, and
minimizing effluent discharge into water bodies.